
Write down the answers.

1. How do you feel before going on a first date?

A) Nervous. I overthink what to say or how I’ll come across.

B) Excited but slightly anxious. I’m hopeful it’ll go well.

C) Confident. I trust myself to make a good impression.

2. What’s your mindset when approaching someone you’re interested in?

A) Scared of rejection. I hesitate to make the first move.

B) Hopeful but cautious. I try, but I worry about being awkward.

C) Bold and direct. I know what I want and go for it.

3. How do you react if someone rejects you romantically?

A) Crushed. I take it personally and doubt myself.

B) Disappointed but resilient. I remind myself it’s not a reflection of my worth.

C) Unbothered. I see it as part of the process and move on quickly.

4. How comfortable are you talking about your feelings on a date?

A) Very uncomfortable. I struggle to open up.

B) Somewhat comfortable. I share selectively and gauge their reaction.

C) Completely comfortable. I express myself freely and honestly.

5. What’s your attitude toward online dating profiles or apps?

A) Intimidated. I don’t think I’ll stand out or attract attention.

B) Open but unsure. I put myself out there but feel uncertain about results.

C) Confident. I know my value and trust that the right person will connect with me.

6. How do you handle awkward moments during a date?

A) Flustered. I feel like I’ve ruined the vibe.

B) Slightly embarrassed but okay. I try to laugh it off.

C) Unfazed. I embrace the moment and keep things lighthearted.

7. What’s your biggest fear when it comes to dating?

A) Being judged or not liked for who I am.

B) Wasting time with someone who isn’t right for me.

C) Not really afraid. I trust myself to navigate challenges.

8. How do you prepare for a date?

A) Overprepare. I rehearse what to say and stress about details.

B) Plan lightly. I focus on being authentic and seeing where it goes.

C) Stay relaxed. I trust my natural charm and conversation skills.

9. How do you describe yourself in dating situations?

A) Shy or reserved. I find it hard to put myself out there.

B) Friendly but cautious. I warm up as I get to know someone.

C) Outgoing and charismatic. I thrive in social settings.

10. What’s your reaction when someone compliments you on a date?

A) Unsure. I downplay it or feel like they’re just being polite.

B) Grateful but modest. I appreciate it but don’t fully absorb it.

C) Confident. I accept it graciously and own my awesomeness.

Scoring System:

A = Low Confidence (Struggling with Self-Doubt)

B = Moderate Confidence (Balanced but Room to Grow)

C = High Confidence (Self-Assured and Bold)

Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.

Low Confidence

Your responses suggest that you may struggle with self-doubt in dating situations. While it’s normal to feel nervous, building confidence starts with focusing on your strengths and embracing who you are. Practice self-love, challenge negative thoughts, and take small steps outside your comfort zone to grow your confidence.

Moderate Confidence

You have a balanced level of confidence, you feel good about yourself but still experience moments of uncertainty. This mindset allows you to navigate dating with resilience and authenticity. Keep nurturing your self-assurance by celebrating your wins and learning from setbacks.

High Confidence

You exude confidence in dating situations, you know your worth and trust yourself to handle challenges. Your boldness and positivity make you magnetic to others. Keep nurturing this mindset by staying true to yourself and continuing to embrace vulnerability as a strength.

silhouette of man and woman sitting on bench near body of water during sunset
silhouette of man and woman sitting on bench near body of water during sunset

What’s Your Dating Confidence Level?