
Write down the answers.

1. How do you feel about the idea of spending most of your free time with one person?

A) I’d feel suffocated. I value my independence too much.

B) I’d enjoy it, as long as we both maintain some personal space.

C) I’m excited about the idea of building a life together.

2. What’s your attitude toward compromise in a relationship?

A) Compromise feels like losing part of myself.

B) I’m willing to compromise, but only on certain things.

C) I understand that compromise is essential for growth.

3. How do you handle disagreements with your partner?

A) I avoid conflict and hope it resolves itself.

B) I address it calmly but may struggle to let it go.

C) I communicate openly and work toward solutions.

4. What’s your vision of a committed relationship?

A) It sounds restrictive. I prefer keeping things casual.

B) It’s appealing, but I worry about losing my freedom.

C) It’s a partnership built on trust, love, and shared goals.

5. How do you prioritize your needs versus your partner’s?

A) My needs always come first, it’s hard to put them aside.

B) I try to balance both, but sometimes I feel conflicted.

C) I prioritize mutual happiness and find win-win solutions.

6. What’s your reaction when someone talks about long-term plans?

A) I change the subject. I’m not ready for that conversation.

B) I listen but feel unsure if I’m on the same page.

C) I engage enthusiastically and share my own ideas.

7. How do you feel about discussing finances or practical matters with a partner?

A) Uncomfortable, it feels too serious or intrusive.

B) Open to it, but only under specific circumstances.

C) Completely fine, it’s an important part of commitment.

8. What’s your biggest fear about being in a committed relationship?

A) Losing my independence or sense of self.

B) Being hurt or disappointed by my partner.

C) None. I feel confident in navigating challenges together.

9. How do you handle stress or challenges in your life?

A) I deal with it alone. I don’t like leaning on others.

B) I seek support but sometimes struggle to open up.

C) I lean on my partner and work through it as a team.

10. What’s your stance on making sacrifices for a relationship?

A) Sacrifices feel unfair. I shouldn’t have to give up too much.

B) I’m willing to make some sacrifices, but not everything.

C) I believe mutual sacrifices strengthen a partnership.

Scoring System:

A = Not Ready (Prioritizing Independence or Avoidance)

B = On the Fence (Mixed Feelings About Commitment)

C = Ready (Emotionally and Practically Prepared)

Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.

Not Ready

Your responses suggest that you may not be ready for a committed relationship just yet. You might value your independence or feel uncertain about the responsibilities that come with commitment. That’s okay! Take time to focus on yourself, clarify your priorities, and build the emotional tools needed for a healthy partnership.

On the Fence

You’re on the fence about commitment, you see its benefits but still have reservations. This mindset allows you to explore deeper connections while protecting your independence. Reflect on your fears and goals, and consider discussing your feelings with your partner to gain clarity.


You’re ready for commitment! You understand the importance of communication, compromise, and teamwork in a relationship. Your emotional maturity and willingness to grow together make you well-prepared for a meaningful, long-term partnership. Keep nurturing this mindset as you move forward.

a bride and groom walking down the road holding hands
a bride and groom walking down the road holding hands

Are You Ready for Commitment?