Write down the answers.
1. How do you react when someone rejects you romantically?
A) I feel crushed and question what’s wrong with me.
B) I’m disappointed but remind myself it’s not personal.
C) I shrug it off. I know it’s just part of dating.
2. What’s your first thought after being rejected?
A) “I’ll never find someone who truly likes me.”
B) “Maybe we just weren’t a good match.”
C) “Their loss. I’ll find someone better.”
3. How long does it take you to move on after rejection?
A) Weeks or months, it lingers in my mind.
B) A few days. I process it and then let it go.
C) Almost immediately. I don’t dwell on it.
4. What’s your reaction if a date cancels last minute or ghosts you?
A) I obsess over what I did wrong and feel hurt.
B) I feel annoyed but try not to take it personally.
C) I move on quickly, they clearly weren’t worth my time.
5. How do you handle feedback or criticism from a potential partner?
A) I take it to heart and feel like I need to change.
B) I consider it objectively and see if it’s valid.
C) I dismiss it, if they don’t like me, that’s their problem.
6. What’s your attitude toward rejection in general?
A) It feels like a reflection of my self-worth.
B) It’s disappointing but not a reflection of me as a person.
C) It’s no big deal. I know rejection happens to everyone.
7. How do you talk to friends about rejection?
A) I vent endlessly and seek reassurance that I’m lovable.
B) I share briefly and focus on staying positive.
C) I joke about it or downplay its significance.
8. What’s your biggest fear when facing rejection?
A) Being alone forever or not finding love.
B) Missing out on a connection that could’ve worked.
C) Wasting time on someone who wasn’t serious.
9. How do you rebuild your confidence after rejection?
A) It takes time. I struggle to see my value.
B) I reflect on my strengths and remind myself of my worth.
C) I don’t let it affect my confidence. I know I’m great.
10. What’s your approach to dating after being rejected?
A) I hesitate to put myself out there again, it feels risky.
B) I take a short break to regroup, then try again.
C) I dive back in immediately. I won’t let one rejection stop me.
Scoring System:
A = Struggles with Rejection (Takes It Personally)
B = Resilient (Balanced and Reflective)
C = Unbothered (Brushes It Off Easily)
Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.
Struggles with Rejection
Your responses suggest that rejection hits hard for you, often leaving you questioning your self-worth or feeling stuck. While it’s normal to feel hurt, remember that rejection isn’t a reflection of your value. Practice self-compassion, lean on supportive friends, and focus on building confidence outside of dating.
You’re resilient, you acknowledge rejection but don’t let it define you. Your balanced approach allows you to process emotions healthily and move forward with grace. Keep nurturing this mindset by reflecting on lessons learned and staying open to new connections.
You’re unbothered by rejection, you brush it off and keep moving forward without missing a beat. While this confidence is admirable, be mindful of dismissing rejection too quickly. Sometimes, reflecting on feedback can help you grow and improve future relationships.