
Write down the answers.

1. How does your partner respond when you try to talk about feelings?

A) They change the subject or avoid the conversation.

B) They listen but seem uncomfortable or unsure how to respond.

C) They engage openly and validate your emotions.

2. What’s their attitude toward discussing the future of your relationship?

A) They avoid the topic entirely or get defensive.

B) They give vague answers and don’t commit to specifics.

C) They’re open to planning and discussing next steps.

3. How do they act when you need support during tough times?

A) They seem distant or unsure how to comfort you.

B) They offer practical help but struggle with emotional support.

C) They’re attentive, empathetic, and present for you.

4. What’s their communication style like?

A) They frequently go silent or take days to reply to messages.

B) They communicate inconsistently but claim they’re “just busy.”

C) They stay in regular contact and check in on you.

5. How do they react when you express a need for more closeness?

A) They pull away or become defensive.

B) They reassure you but don’t follow through with actions.

C) They acknowledge your needs and work to meet them.

6. Do they share personal feelings or vulnerabilities with you?

A) Rarely, they keep conversations surface-level.

B) Occasionally, but only when pressed or in specific situations.

C) Often, they’re comfortable being open and honest.

7. How consistent are they with their affection and attention?

A) Hot and cold, they’re loving one moment, distant the next.

B) Somewhat consistent but still unpredictable at times.

C) Steady and reliable, they show love consistently.

8. What’s their stance on commitment?

A) They avoid labels or long-term plans altogether.

B) They hint at commitment but never take concrete steps.

C) They’re clear about their intentions and committed to the relationship.

9. How do they handle conflict or disagreements?

A) They shut down, withdraw, or refuse to address the issue.

B) They engage briefly but avoid deeper emotional discussions.

C) They communicate openly and work toward resolution.

10. How do you feel after spending time with them?

A) Confused, drained, or unsure where you stand.

B) Mixed emotions, they’re sweet sometimes but distant others.

C) Happy, secure, and connected to them.

Scoring System:

A = Likely Emotionally Unavailable

B = Possibly Emotionally Unavailable

C = Emotionally Available

Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.

Likely Emotionally Unavailable

Your responses suggest that your partner may be emotionally unavailable. They might struggle with intimacy, commitment, or expressing their feelings, which can leave you feeling disconnected. Consider having an open conversation about your needs and boundaries, and evaluate whether this relationship aligns with your goals.

Possibly Emotionally Unavailable

Your responses indicate that your partner shows some signs of emotional unavailability but may also have moments of connection. They might be struggling with their own fears or insecurities. Communicate your feelings clearly and observe whether they’re willing to grow and meet you halfway.

Emotionally Available

Your responses suggest that your partner is emotionally available—they’re open, communicative, and committed to building a strong connection with you. Celebrate this healthy dynamic and continue nurturing your relationship through trust, empathy, and mutual support.

silhoutte of man sitting on ground
silhoutte of man sitting on ground

Is He/She Emotionally Unavailable?