
Write down the answers.

1. When faced with a big decision, what’s your first step?

A) I gather all the facts and analyze the options carefully.

B) I trust my instincts and go with what feels right.

C) I ask for advice or consult others before deciding.

D) I make a quick choice and see where it takes me.

2. How do you handle uncertainty when making a decision?

A) I create a detailed plan to minimize risks.

B) I stay calm and rely on my inner guidance.

C) I seek reassurance and input from trusted people.

D) I embrace the unknown and adapt as I go.

3. What’s your approach to solving problems?

A) I break it down into steps and tackle each part logically.

B) I listen to my intuition and let it guide me.

C) I brainstorm solutions with others to find the best option.

D) I experiment and try different approaches until something works.

4. How do you react when a decision doesn’t go as planned?

A) I review what went wrong and adjust my strategy.

B) I trust that everything will work out in the end.

C) I discuss it with others to figure out the next steps.

D) I shrug it off and move on to the next thing quickly.

5. What’s your biggest consideration when making a choice?

A) The data, evidence, and potential outcomes.

B) My feelings and gut reactions about the situation.

C) How it will affect the people involved.

D) The excitement or novelty of the decision.

6. How do you choose between two equally appealing options?

A) I weigh the pros and cons meticulously.

B) I go with the one that feels more aligned with my values.

C) I ask others for their opinions before deciding.

D) I flip a coin or pick one spontaneously.

7. What’s your attitude toward taking risks?

A) I assess the risks thoroughly before committing.

B) I trust my instincts to guide me through risky situations.

C) I consult others to ensure we’re prepared for any outcome.

D) I dive in headfirst, it’s all part of the adventure!

8. How do you prepare for important decisions?

A) I research extensively and create a step-by-step plan.

B) I reflect quietly and tune into my inner voice.

C) I have discussions with friends, family, or colleagues.

D) I don’t overthink it. I prefer to act quickly.

9. What’s your biggest fear when making a decision?

A) Making the wrong choice based on incomplete information.

B) Ignoring my intuition and regretting it later.

C) Letting others down or causing conflict.

D) Missing out on opportunities by hesitating too long.

10. How do you describe your decision-making process?

A) Methodical, thorough, and well-researched.

B) Intuitive, spontaneous, and guided by feelings.

C) Collaborative, inclusive, and team-oriented.

D) Fast-paced, adaptable, and action-focused.

Scoring System:

A = Logical Thinker (Analytical, Data-Driven)

B = Intuitive Feeler (Instinctive, Gut-Led)

C = Collaborative Planner (Team-Oriented, Inclusive)

D = Spontaneous Doer (Impulsive, Action-Oriented)

Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.

Logical Thinker

You’re a logical thinker! You rely on facts, data, and careful analysis to make decisions. Your methodical approach ensures well-thought-out choices, but don’t forget to trust your instincts occasionally—they can provide valuable insights too.

Intuitive Feeler

You’re an intuitive feeler! You trust your gut and let your emotions guide your decisions. Your ability to tune into your inner voice helps you navigate complex situations, but balancing intuition with practical considerations can lead to even better outcomes.

Collaborative Planner

You’re a collaborative planner! You value teamwork and seek input from others before making decisions. Your inclusive approach fosters strong relationships, but remember to trust your own judgment and take decisive action when needed.

Spontaneous Doer

You’re a spontaneous doer! You thrive on quick decisions and adapt easily to change. Your boldness allows you to seize opportunities, but slowing down to evaluate risks can help you avoid unnecessary pitfalls.

grey laptop computer near white lined paper on table
grey laptop computer near white lined paper on table

What’s Your Decision-Making Style?