Write down the answers.
1. How do you handle a partner who texts you constantly?
A) I ignore it, I don’t want to seem rude or uninterested.
B) I politely ask them to give me some space.
C) I set clear expectations about my communication preferences.
2. What’s your reaction when someone pressures you to move faster than you’re comfortable with?
A) I reluctantly go along with it to avoid conflict.
B) I express discomfort but worry about hurting their feelings.
C) I firmly communicate my boundaries and stick to them.
3. How do you feel about discussing your personal limits early in a relationship?
A) Uncomfortable, it feels too soon or awkward.
B) Open to it, but I wait until I trust the person more.
C) Completely fine. I believe in being upfront about my needs.
4. What’s your response when a date cancels plans last minute without explanation?
A) I brush it off and hope it doesn’t happen again.
B) I mention it casually but don’t push the issue.
C) I address it directly and explain how it made me feel.
5. How do you handle a partner who dismisses your feelings?
A) I stay quiet and let it slide. I don’t want to argue.
B) I bring it up gently and see if they improve.
C) I confront them firmly and insist on mutual respect.
6. What’s your stance on sharing personal information (e.g., social media passwords)?
A) I reluctantly agree if they insist, it seems important to them.
B) I consider it but only under specific circumstances.
C) I refuse outright, it’s a non-negotiable boundary for me.
7. How do you react when a partner flirts with others in front of you?
A) I feel hurt but say nothing. I don’t want to cause drama.
B) I mention it later and see how they respond.
C) I call them out immediately and reiterate my expectations.
8. What’s your approach to discussing finances with a partner?
A) I avoid the topic, it feels uncomfortable or intrusive.
B) I bring it up eventually but tread lightly.
C) I initiate the conversation early and set clear guidelines.
9. How do you feel about compromising your values for a relationship?
A) Willing to do it occasionally to keep the peace.
B) Depends on the situation. I weigh the pros and cons.
C) Never. I prioritize staying true to myself.
10. What’s your biggest challenge when setting boundaries?
A) Fear of rejection or being seen as difficult.
B) Worrying that I’m overreacting or being unfair.
C) None. I feel confident asserting my needs.
Scoring System:
A = Struggling with Boundaries (Avoidant or Passive)
B = Working on Boundaries (Moderate Confidence)
C = Strong Boundary Setter (Assertive and Clear)
Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.
Struggling with Boundaries
Your responses suggest that you may struggle to set and enforce boundaries, often prioritizing others’ comfort over your own. While this can help avoid conflict, it may leave you feeling resentful or taken advantage of. Practice identifying your needs and communicating them clearly. Healthy boundaries are key to mutual respect.
Working on Boundaries
You’re working on setting boundaries, you recognize their importance but sometimes hesitate to assert yourself fully. This mindset allows you to navigate relationships thoughtfully, but building confidence in your voice will help you create healthier dynamics. Keep practicing open communication and self-advocacy.
Strong Boundary Setter
You’re a strong boundary setter, you know your worth and aren’t afraid to communicate your needs clearly. Your assertiveness fosters respect and trust in your relationships. Keep nurturing this mindset by staying consistent and addressing issues as they arise.