
Write down the answers.

1. How do you react when something unexpected happens?

A) I see it as an exciting opportunity or adventure.

B) I worry about how it might disrupt my plans.

C) I try to stay open-minded but prepare for the worst.

2. What’s your first thought when facing a challenge?

A) “I’ve got this. I’ll figure it out!”

B) “This is going to be tough. I hope I can handle it.”

C) “It depends. I’ll do my best, but I’m not sure yet.”

3. How do you view setbacks?

A) They’re just temporary roadblocks. I’ll overcome them.

B) They’re signs that things might not work out.

C) They’re learning experiences, but I still feel discouraged sometimes.

4. What’s your attitude toward the future?

A) I’m excited, it’s full of possibilities!

B) I’m cautious. I’m not sure what’s coming next.

C) I’m hopeful but realistic about potential challenges.

5. How do you handle criticism?

A) I see it as a chance to grow and improve.

B) I take it personally and feel like I’ve failed.

C) I consider it carefully but may still feel uneasy.

6. What’s your go-to response when someone asks how you’re doing?

A) “Great! Things are going well.”

B) “Not bad, but there’s always something to worry about.”

C) “It’s a mix, some things are good, others are challenging.”

7. How do you approach new opportunities?

A) I dive in enthusiastically, it’s a chance to grow!

B) I hesitate and consider all the risks involved.

C) I weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

8. What’s your biggest fear in life?

A) Missing out on exciting opportunities.

B) Things going wrong or falling apart.

C) Balancing risks with stability.

9. How do you describe yourself to others?

A) Positive, upbeat, and always looking on the bright side.

B) Realistic, cautious, and aware of potential pitfalls.

C) Balanced. I try to stay positive but acknowledge challenges.

10. How do you feel about taking risks?

A) I embrace them, they’re how you grow and succeed.

B) I avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

C) I take calculated risks after careful consideration.

Scoring System:

A = Optimist

B = Pessimist

C = Balanced Perspective

Tally up the number of times each letter appears in your responses.


You’re an optimist! You focus on the positive and believe in the power of possibility. Your upbeat attitude helps you navigate challenges with resilience and inspires those around you. Keep nurturing this mindset, but don’t forget to prepare for realistic obstacles along the way.


You lean toward being a pessimist, you tend to focus on potential challenges and risks. While this mindset helps you anticipate problems and plan ahead, it can sometimes hold you back from embracing opportunities. Practice reframing negative thoughts and celebrating small wins to build a more balanced outlook.

Balanced Perspective

You strike a balance between optimism and pessimism! You’re realistic about challenges but remain hopeful about the future. This balanced mindset allows you to approach life with both caution and enthusiasm. Keep refining your ability to assess situations objectively while staying open to positivity.

woman in white and black checkered dress shirt
woman in white and black checkered dress shirt

Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?